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Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Batik and Spread of Islam

Batik and Spread of Islam

The spread of batik art did not escape the influence of the spread of Islam in this country. History of batik in other areas of East Java is in Ponorogo, whose story is related to the spreading of Islamic teachings in this area. History of Batik. Mentioned problem area Ponorogo batik art are closely related to the development of Islamic religion and the kingdoms first. It is said Batoro Katong area, there is a direct descendant of the Majapahit empire named Raden Raden Patah sister of Katong. Katong Batoro this is what brought Islam to the existing ruins Ponorogo and now is a mosque Patihan Wetan area.

Selanjutanya developments, in Ponorogo, Tegalsari area there is a boarding school that nurtured Kyai Hasan Basri or known as the Great Tegalsari Kyai. This Tegalsari pesantren teach religion other than Islam also teaches administrative sciences, sciences and literature of war. A disciple of the famous from the literary field is Tegalsari Ronggowarsito Raden. Kyai Hasan Basri was taken into law by the king Kraton of Solo.

Batik art at that time was limited within the palace. Therefore, Kraton Solo daughter became the wife of Kyai Hasan Basri Tegalsari and then brought into-accompaniment followed by a retinue. besides many royal family dipesantren Solo learn this. These events bring art out of the palace bafik toward Ponorogo. Young people educated in this Tegalsari when it came out, the community would donate his batik dharma in areas kepamongan and religion.

Long batik areas that we can see now is a region that is Kepatihan Wetan Kauman now and from here extends to the villages Ronowijoyo, Mangunsuman, Kertosari, Setono, Cokromenggalan, Duchy, Nologaten, Bangunsari, Cekok, Banyudono and Ngunut. It was the drugs used in the batik is made in our own country from woody among others; tom tree, noni, high wood. While homemade kainputihnyajugamemakai materials from woven carrying. Bam imported white cloth known in Indonesia about the late-19th century.

Batik-making in the new Ponorogo known after the first world war brought on by a Chinaman named Kwee Seng from Banyumas. Ponorogo region early 20th century in the famous batik indigo dye that does not fade and that's why entrepreneurs Banyumas and Solo batik from giving jobs to many entrepreneurs in Ponorogo batik. As a result of the familiar printed batik production petama Ponorogo after World War until the outbreak of the second world war that is famous for his rough batik batik blue mori. Market batik rough Ponorogo then famous throughout Indonesia.

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