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Selasa, 27 April 2010

. Batik The Preferred by children

. Batik The Preferred by children

SRAGEN - Batik is now not only widely used by adults only. Lately there is a rise in the number of users of batik from among the children. This was disclosed by Haryanti, S. Sn Manager Sukowati Batik.

At that time ago before Lebaran, batik clothes kids Sukowati Batik Gallery collection sold out. "Whereas this time we deliberately multiply stock batik clothes for the kids, and it sold out too," he said. This, he says, is an indicator that batik began favored by children.

Ditambahkanya, batik is very suitable once used by the children in all situations. For example, at the anniversary event, a walk with your family or even on formal occasions.

On Galery they manage, many batik clothes provided children from all sorts of motifs and materials. There are made from t-shirts, cotton and other materials. To compete with today's modern clothes, he was not worried. Because, according to him, batik has demonstrated its existence for hundreds of years so far. Moreover, yesterday Friday batik has recognized the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) as Indonesia's cultural heritage. This makes it increasingly optimistic that the future of batik will be more loved and increasingly used by all people.

Meanwhile, according to Anita, a resident of Sragen Kulon, one of the buyers in his batik gallery, revealed that children's clothes made from batik which is very comfortable to wear by children. "Batik shirt will terasal ebih cool when worn, it is most suitable for use by children who tend to be much movement," explained Anita.

All materials batik clothes Batik Gallery collection Sukowati become a local materials the works of local batik batik-sragen. And apparently the work of local products do not compete with foreign products. The proof, batik shirts are now in local production has been widely sold in big shopping malls in various cities in Indonesia

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