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Rabu, 28 April 2010

truntum motif

Virtually truntum motif is a symbol of love that blossomed again. According to the story, this motif was created by a Queen of Yogyakarta Palace.

The Queen who has been loved and pampered by the king, feeling forgotten by the King who has had a new lover. To fill the time and eliminate the grief, the Queen started making batik. Unconsciously berbentukbintang queen make-star motif in a dark sky, which has been accompanied him in solitude. Persistence of Queen in the King's attention batik which then began to approach the Queen to see pembatikannya. Since then the King is always monitoring the development of batik The Queen, little by little compassion King against the Queen grow back. Thanks to this motif in love with the king springs back or tum-tum back, so that this motif be named Truntum, as a symbol of love King of the blossom back

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