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Selasa, 27 April 2010



Year 2008 was a landmark year for the local culture khisusnya batik, batik back rapidly growing trend. This is reinforced by the opinion of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees Yayasan Batik Indonesia (YBI) Joop Ave "The use of batik in Indonesia as the clothes have reached the peak of its power." Batik has become a favorite clothing favored anyone, worn on any occasion, a sharp increase productivity and creativity. Love the product in the country's motto is often didengang-dengungkan by our leaders, which aimed to develop a love of the nation's own culture which has roots in a long time and have a noble civilization values and richness of various styles / motifs are diverse. This is intended to lift the beauty of batik to the public and foreign tourists. Even now the UN has been recognized as a masterpiece of Indonesia.

Unconsciously we never forget their own national culture, especially the younger generation, how no, we get complacent with outside cultures, up until the culture of our nation in the claim by neighboring countries, then we stirred our culture was very interesting and interested by other parties. Are we not ashamed of our ancestors, because culture is a legacy from our ancestors who needed to be conserved. With the motto digalakkannya love domestic products, is expected to build a sense of belonging sebuh public awareness will be our nation's cultural wealth.

Batik Glance

Batik is the art of drawing on fabric for clothing, are made by using a meterial wax resist technique. The word batik is derived from the Java language, which means writing. Batik technique has been known for thousands of years ago. Some suspect this technique comes from the Sumerian, then developed in Java after being taken by Indian traders. Currently batik can be found in some countries than in Indonesia, like Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka and Iran, however batik is very popular in the world is batik from Indonesia especially Java. Various kinds of batik many we encounter in our country. We are familiar with batik motifs Asmat in Papua, South Kalimantan Sasirangan, Cirebonan batik, Batik Solo, Batik Lasem (Apex), Yogya batik, batik or batik Pekalongan Banyumasan The main characteristic of each.

Batik then and now

Batik was first shunned by young people, because batik is identical with the formal clothes, the remaining life of parents, classical motifs, colors tend to be older (brown), and only bears a certain time (reception). Even young children who rarely get to wear batik no satire, ancient, antique, obsolete (out of) date from his friends, so they are ashamed to wear batik who thinks old fashion.

But now the shame began to decrease wear batik, batik has become a trend for all circles, at any event batik can be worn, much less varied and unique style. Diverse Warnanyapun not fixated on the old color, no red, blue, pink, green, yellow and many more, with motifs with a modern blend of classical and model-model is not inferior to today's clothing. Not only the colors, patterns and models vary, but jenisnyapun very varied, ranging from batik, batik combination, batik and batik printing. But they are affordable than the cheapest price to the temahal depending on type of batik.

Appear attractive with batik

Indonesian Batik is already known abroad, promosipun intensively conducted either into or out of, batikpun continue conserved and developed with a variety of ways. Including start enforcing the use of batik to the office uniform, both government and private offices, on the days required to wear batik.Kebijakan tertantu use traditional batik and fabric (striated) for Central Java province has been declared since 2005.

With civil servants to wear batik uniforms look different and exciting, is not impressed with the watch as well as uniform kerja.biasa. Besides, civil service and state apparatus would seem more enthusiastic in performing the duties of government and provide services to the community, in turn, will assess civil society is now much of an impression with a stiff and formal wear batik clothes. Hopefully, with clothing that has mecerminkan nation's cultural identity and the institutions will encourage a better level of performance.

Local Government of Regency / Municipality and the Province began to encourage the use of batik dilingkungannya uniform, with a raised originating from batik of local culture, this will move the local batik industry which was previously hit by the crisis into a dead faint rose meningkatkan productivity can even spread their wings to various parts of the world . For the public, especially civil servants in addition to batik uniform identity for the institution as well as pride and improve the spirit of nationalism, banggga with our culture, batik in Indonesia has turned out, the beauty and uniqueness that is not inferior to other countries as well as batik is worn in a variety of events worthy of any good formal and non-formal.

As a civil servant let us always gave the role models for the use of domestic products do not even forget about it. Love the product in the country, because then we help preserve our ancestral culture, for both government and private agencies that have not imposed a uniform cough, let us galakan batik usage, if not our own cultural product-loving nation, who else, lest our batik actually patented in other countries. . Hopefully, Indonesian batik and continue to prosper in the increasingly strong local and overseas markets, the existing capital base to stay how we continue to preserve and develop

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