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Rabu, 28 April 2010

Solo and Yogyakarta Batik

Solo and Yogyakarta Batik

From work-in Solo and Yogyakarta royal surroundings and 19th century, 17.18, batik and widespread, particularly in the area of Java Island. Batik was originally just a hobby of the royal family in the past decorated clothing. But subsequent developments, pleh society developed into a commodity perdagamgan batik.

Batik Solo is famous for its traditional batik patterns and patterns in the process of batik cap or she writes. The materials used for staining still remains a lot of use of domestic materials, such as Java soga already known from the first. Fixed pattern, among others, famous for its "Sidomukti" and "Sidoluruh".

While the origins of batik area since the kingdom of Mataram Yogyakarta is known to any-I with a Panembahan Senopati raj. First is the village of batik Region Plered. Batik at the time limited in the royal family environment which was done by the women helpers queen. From here batik work extends to the first trap in which the royal family other than his wife and servants in the palace soldiers. At the official ceremony of the royal family palace both men and women wearing clothes with batik and striated kombonasi. Therefore, this kingdom received a visit from the people and the people interested in the clothes worn by the royal family and eventually imitated by the people and the batik meluaslah out of the palace walls.

As a result of good old time of war between the families of kings as well as between the Dutch colonial past, so many families of the king who fled and settled areas of new areas, among others, to Banyumas, Pekalongan, and Eastern regions of Ponorogo, Tulungagung and sebagainy a. Meluasny a local batik-stricken area until that area according to the historical development of Indonesian struggle beginning of the 18th century. Families who fled the palace is that developed all over the island of Java, batik work of the existing and developing new areas of nature and according to it.

Diponegoro's war against the Netherlands, urged the prince, and his family and his followers had to leave the kingdom. They then spread towards the East and West. Then in the new areas that the family and followers of Prince Diponegoro to develop batik.

East to Solo and Yogyakarta batik batik improve the existing pattern in Mojokerto and Tulung Court. It also spread to Gresik, Surabaya and Madura. Medium westward batik developed in Banyumas, Pekalongan, Tegal, Cirebon.

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