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Jumat, 23 April 2010

Batik Indonesia in the midst of the World Batik

Batik Indonesia in the midst of the World Batik

In the midst of diverse world of batik, batik Indonesia has yet to lose his trademark. Batik of Central Java which is judged to have the most rich motif still has spirit. However, when the neighboring states aggressively promote batik to the various continents, Indonesian batik as if the road in places.

Iwan Tirtaamidjaja batik artisan recognizes, the quality of Indonesian batik is currently reduced. Like wine, it essential to have petered out and continue to decrease until it becomes water.

Batik is used for everyday wear today's most batik print. Iwan Tirta actually include people who "abjure" because it will reduce the print batik batik philosophy itself, such as creating a motif with color barrier technique to use at night or use of canting.

"Batik is a lot, but getting cheaper and more affordable alone. Actually batik printing is also good as long as it made a fine, not arbitrary, "said Iwan.

Josephine Komara or Obin has a different view. Although recognized batik prints have become increasingly popular and can endanger the existence of traditional batik, Obin noted that batik, batik, batik print or already have their own market.

"Indonesian Batik is unique and very special. So, I think no need to contradict batik, stamp, or print, "said Obin.

Indeed there are encouraging developments in terms of current consumption of batik. When used for batik is only subject to certain events, today expanded its territory. Batik is also often modified by any other motive for everyday wear.

Deputy Governor Fauzi Bowo said, in Jakarta alone many people using batik not only for clothing, but also home decor. Batik is also used for ceremonies, funerals, birthdays, even the office uniform.

"Since Governor Ali Sadikin, especially batik batik uniforms Batavia became mandatory for employees. School children were required to wear batik day a week, "said Fauzi.

Positioned batik
Batik is actually increasing worldwide. At least that was reflected in the traditional textile symposium held by the Association Wastraprema ASEAN, Monday-Tuesday (December 5 to 6).

Speakers from Malaysia, Sulaiman Abdul Ghani, who is Chairman of the International Batik Research and Design Access University of Technology MARA Malaysia explained, the year 2003 is the era of the return of Malaysian batik. This year, Malaysia and even promote batik to a number of countries including France, England and the United States.

In fact, as recognized Sulaiman, Malaysia batik who were originally from the area and Kelantan Trenggano actually greatly influenced Indonesian batik, especially from Cirebon and Pekalongan. Batik new even known in Malaysia in the 1920s and made a new industry in the 1950s. "In the 1960s there was new to the Malaysian identity," said Sulaiman.

More ironically, in fact new to the canting of Malaysia since the 1970s and immediately fell in 1985 because there is no innovation in design and coloring. "Currently, Malaysia has risen. We combine traditional and contemporary motifs, "explained Solomon.

Batik is now back in popular everywhere. There batik Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, China, India, even South Africa. However, what exactly is batik, people sometimes still debating. Is decorative patterns and the use of canting is important, also debated.

According to Jasmine, batik-makers should have to go back to basics. Ancient ornamentation such as dot, ukel and the line must also be maintained. People who understand batik should be able to tell that behind it there is a tale of batik and philosophy.

Ironically, people who rarely have an opportunity to understand batik spread knowledge about batik. If there is a batik exhibition abroad, who come mostly batik merchant who speak more on price and commercial value.

Batik Iwan is an icon for Indonesia, as well as herbal or woodcraft. Therefore, batik should always be upheld, respected, and placed on an international level as a feature of Indonesian culture. Batik not only as an art to wear, but also for decoration of gamelan and wayang.

"The weakness of people will not be visible when he wears batik, especially the traditional batik. That looks very powerful. That's why I can live and experience a period of six presidents of Indonesia. Anywhere, we will be richer by batik, "said Iwan.

For Sam, no need to dispute the origins of batik. Especially for ASEAN, and even Asia cooperation should be mobilized to continue to promote batik. For example by making the Central Javanese batik pattern on the sari from Bangladesh, or the motive Cinde above the woven fabric from India, and so on

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