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Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Rebirth awaits Batik

Rebirth awaits Batik

Cotton stretch of green dominated by 2.7 meters X 2.7 meters in one corner of the Gallery Soemardja, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) was seized my attention. Not as usual, referred to as batik fabric presents a different hue.

Line structure and the placement of overlapping with one another, creating the impression that the direction and dynamic space. Illusion of form was not inevitable in the cloth. It was as if a triangle, square, patterned on the cloth moves inside.

Canting-painted batik cap, canting write, dab and this dip is one of several works on display in the late Hasanudin Exhibition of Contemporary Batik Bandung at ITB, January 10 to 12 last week.

In the process of batik, Hasan-familiar call of the late-integrates various traditional batik motifs into a new work with a different configuration. Knowledge and concern for the batik is shown by taking a topic of research about it since the degree to masters in fine arts ITB.

"He's been around Java island by car for two months to collect all the artifacts of batik," said Prof. Joseph Affendi, deceased colleague.

Hasan does have an important role in the development of batik work, especially when the work becomes merchandise. He sells his work with the brand name "Hasan Batik". Its main characteristic is the game of geometric patterns, like square, circle, and a box with a variety of techniques and colors in a single fabric.

Indria algae, one of the organizers said Hasan in doing the processing motif motifs standardize a more organized structure. "So the repetition of the process undertaken to produce a different configuration," he said.

In addition, men who had served as Chairman of the Department of Textile Crafts School of Fine Arts and Design (FSRD) ITB was creating batik patched. This work was the development of batik-batik patched in areas of Yogyakarta and Pekalongan. In this patched batik, strongly consider the composition of a regular structure. The result, said the Alga, created a patch-work of batik, which displays an optical effect that is "Having a sense direction and space."

The works like this, it is clear ITB Dean, Anas Biranul characterize contemporary in terms of batik. He pointed out the mention of batik by today's society more associated with the name of the manufacturer. "For example APIP batik, batik Obin, and others. Individuals appearing in batik, "he explained.

This, he continued, can not be separated from the idea of batik work done by the Java community (read the Palace) as well as coastal. Novelty that emerged is the development of batik motifs that previously existing.

Cultural observer, Jacob Sumardjo revealed that batik painting. Canvas and paint dye cloth. Drawing technique. Batik really like because it contains graphic art prints as well.

"Thus batik can not be categorized in our modern art. Batik is a pre-modern art, "said Jacob.

According to Jacob, the origin of batik art from Java although it has spread across Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and the world. The mention of 'batik' is derived from the root word "thik".

"Equivalent in sethitihik, mlethik, dots, thithik, which means small, little, splash. Perhaps because there's always the Monday batik isen-isen form of points, both small and great, "he said when he became speaker in a discussion of" Dissecting Batik Nusantar "'on the sidelines of the exhibition.

Nature of Collective Mind

Batik art, he said, can not be separated from the natural thought of pre-modern Javanese. Because it contains the collective mind of the society.

Why collective? Jacob reveals images that contain natural batik that thought is needed by society, not just the needs of aesthetic value, but also ethical and spiritual. Hence, in art there are levels of Java value.

First, wirogo. "It means the form of recesses. You may be skilled at making one kind of batik pictures, such as machetes damaged, that looks exactly the same as demanded by pakemnya (society). But not necessarily have the levels of both, wiromo, "explained Jacob again.

Wiromo refers to the aesthetic according to our understanding. Namely evoke a sense of experience and thinking. "But that's not enough 'art' if you have not yet reached the level wiroso, or a true sense of spiritual experience. There are transcendent powers who rose from the batik that. "

However, not all batik made with the goal to level wiroso spirituality. "Lots of batik, which only needs a mere wirogo, namely the need profam (worldly) people daily. But there is also a level wiroso required, for example, if events like weddings, births, deaths, and so forth, "he said.

Skills such art is not only true to the art of batik, but also art pottery for example. There is pottery for everyday cooking, there is also a celebration for, offerings. "The process of manufacture is different though wirogo produce the same form."

Jacob himself sees artists batik (batik masters) are those who created batik with transcendent powers, spirituality, although it violates the rules wirogo. The mistake was not something fatal, said Jacob. Because, like a modern artist, the artist also has a kind of batik licentia puitica or privileges for "wrong."

Because passing a 'different' or 'other', the artist is able to present the transcendent. The difference, he samnbung, modern artists in the region presents a transcendent experience and the mind (awareness), batik artists are truly transcendent powers to bring it.

"Modern Artists menghadirkannya through symbolic forms, while artists through the medium of batik batik. That's also why, batik is one of the heirlooms, while modern paintings remain ordinary objects, "says Jacob.

Associated with the works of Hasan who is now more developed with Batik trademarks Hasan, Anas said no problem. "Because this is all grown since the beginning of the craft industry and indeed associated with the (demand) market," he explained.

According to him, the identity of Indonesia in the affairs of batik will not fade in when the market has no transcendent values. The proof, Hasan continued efforts by the three men Sania daughter Sari, Tri Asayani, and Rani Rani Tria could touch people's private spaces.

Batik is not only a matter of fashion. His work can also be applied to other products such as supplementary decorations inside the house, start a table, sofa, until the partition of the room. Batik can be enjoyed more and more modern in appearance.

Questioning the title of a discussion that mentioned Nusantara batik, Anas said, should the campus, especially in the fields of craft redefining the term "Batik Nusantara" section, recognition of these terms could lead to debate.

Simply put, Biranul Anas, Dean of Faculty of Arts and Design Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) mewacanakan "Archipelago" as an area that is not a monopoly of the region of Indonesia. "Malaysia, the Philippines, are also present in it," he said.

Anas also revealed the creation of batik, for example in West Java, had been going on since the first such Trusmi from Cirebon batik, batik and batik Garutan Priangan. With various motifs such as machetes, plane, Meru, Sido mukti, prabu anom, or kawung, as it is known in Solo and Yogyakarta. There is also a lyrical motif Seno, dragon liman, or sling sunyaragi, such as those found in Cirebon batik motif.

According to Anas, the creation of batik as practiced by Hasan Batik is more open to ideas, especially in terms of ideas pencorakan. But the risk of uncontrolled spread so completely lost touch of batik.

"This is a must watch out, because after all, batik is an expression of culture that is based on the long and rich tradition in the culture of the Indonesian nation," said Anas, who is known through the works of fiber art.

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