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Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Tempe and sego-megono vs. batik pekalongan phenomenon of globalization era

Pekalongan city, batik, tempeh
night time was accompanied by two of my friends that one:''a foreign country who everyday in jakarta as traders tempeh, which is again going home to his hometown of pekalongan''and one''a small-scale batik craftsmen who kemang-stalking and deflated globalization at the wheel roller
While the rate of the-night''about leaving 4jam toward morning, when without in the''realized''by worms stomach started to demo, not growling stomach twisted sense.
It became a habit at night so rich that it occurred certainly is''food''megono sego-this one has become a favorite food was masarakat pekalongan.yang 24h non-stop, after consultation, have a consultation, we decided to wrap the rice leaf menyambangi la banana-megono pekalongan tsb''sego''
The story above is a small painting of the few phenomena pekalongan civic life, the famous maskotnya:

CITY Santri''''
According to the data we hold, Youth pekalongan ± 25% migrate in Jakarta and other Part of a 75% working at home and 20% from 75% of their work sbgi batik workers

So between batik and tempe is a color and create a separate begckgroun-society period pekalongan
Btik writing is one of the original commodity products which have go masarakat pekalongan puplik not only national but also inter-natioal and become a major source of foreign exchange. Batik has become a cultural beckground masarakat pekalongan of the 18th century that were brought by state officials Mataram at that time "because it is formal wear batik palace" but instead kemarakan batik production growth between jogja, solo with pekalongan in fact able to beat the competition: Solo and Yogya are always in big-gddang by batik lovers, because no little prodak pekalongan TSB marketed in the city because as I mentioned above batik pekalongan lang has long broken the globe is not just national, including jogja, solo or Bali and other but also been to many countries.
However mecca pekalongan permotifan indeed still follow the direction to the solo and Yogya.

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