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Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

solo trip to visit the historical village of batik Laweyan

solo trip to visit the historical village of batik Laweyan

If we get to know batik means that our eyes will be drawn to the country of Indonesia, although in the filing that the copyright belongs to Indonesian batik had hobbled some even belong to a country mengklainya but that does not mempersurut Indonesia's struggle to make batik, batik eventually becomes the copyright belongs to Indonesia that recognized by UNESCO. Now why did I tell you about the struggle to seek UNESCO recognition as it relates to an existing home in Solo, a village that has a batik making business. The name of this village was named "Kampung Batik Laweyan". Kampung Batik Laweyan located west of the city of Solo, the village is a village Laweyan batik batik artisans of the oldest and most unique and historic in Indonesia, already known by the domestic and foreign. Around the year 1911 at the age of the entrepreneur and pengraji KH Samanhudi batik increased considerably and this is a golden era for the village of batik Laweyan. When I first set foot in the village of batik Laweyan, I was very impressed because his house is still there in the form of age-old houses and between each house with only very close to home and going along the road that we are temuin store / outlet batik-batik started a store capacity until a little big. I hangout at Kampung Batik Laweyan time at the store called Putra Batik batik Laweyan. After a disuguhin cold drinks and rice cakes kencur leker then my fellow bloggers and others are guided visit historical sights in Kampung Batik Laweyan. The first one I visited was nDalem Tjokrosoemartan. nDalem Tjokrosoemartan is one of the oldest existing buildings in the village of batik Laweyan which still retain the Dutch colonial era buildings are still preserved condition and it was truly one of the proofs that must be conserved (hehhe ... from the Myspace in claims by other countries ... behold). nDalem Tjokrosoemartan is one interesting place, in fact there are still houses that are still awake keasliaanya but are not manicured and left residents (aka blank bo ... hehheh ^_^). After being photographed-image, although the photos seem a bit but tetep me happy, hehe then my journey continued to another historic place in Kampung Batik Laweyan, now headed to the place next time I pass through Kampung Batik Laweyan monument, then to go to where we proved that will be aimed at passing the narrow streets between the old wake is the other side of the sparkling of the kampung batik showroom Laweyan (ih sereeemm ... if malem). Finally after quite a long walk finally reached the place next bersejarang of "Break Free". What is Break Free, Break Free is a Muslim place of worship that are still on guard to kunoannya or keaslianya and hear a hear a from takmir Break-Free (can be the caretaker said so ... hehehe) that has been used as Violating Free Indonesian cultural heritage located in Solo. At a glance when they see this bengunan not like buildings of worship, because there is a place to worship at the second floor, first floor is a place wudlu (building eksoktis). Violating this Merdeka had changed its name to Violating Ikhlas (if no one hear a ... hehehe), although it remains unknown Violating replaced with Break Free. Then by the Free Violating our guide invited to ascend to the highest tower in Langgar Merdeka, after rising and reached the peak of only one word I can say Subhanallah. Because of the above I can see the entire city of Solo as well as noteworthy Violating Freedom of wood buildings still retain the first time in the wake (wah truly historic buildings ... busyyeeet). Since I was too engrossed in the Break Free, I'm in the living group, for me this is quite interesting experience to see and hear the historic story in Langgar Merdeka. And that bit of by-by from Solo. Come to a Solo I guarantee you're not going to be losses (Weh promotion ... heheh). Cuap-cuap so my readers thank you for your attention. Greetings from the Indonesian Blogger. I'll wait Blogger Indonesia Jamboree event, Thank you Blogger Bengawan.

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