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Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Writing BATIK

The Indonesian nation is a wealthy nation, a nation that was awarded many advantages compared to other nations by God. Both gifts are in the bowels of the earth, on the mainland, and in the air and in all corners of the Earth Indonesia cardinal. The gift of intellect, creativity, which is granted by God to the personalities of Indonesia is also far above other nations. However, sometimes appreciation, respect and a sense of pride we as a nation of Indonesia is still lacking.

BATIK is one of the nation's cultural richness of Indonesia, alhamdulillah has been recognized as a world cultural heritage. Rightly, we are proud of and preserve one of this wealth of the Indonesian nation. Let's make this batik an icon of the Indonesian nation, we make batik is the national dress, our everyday clothes, no longer as sacred clothing to be worn on special occasions only.

From East End to West Indonesia, almost all regions have their own style of batik. From Medan, Padang, Palembang, Jambi, Bengkulu, Lampung, Cirebon, Garut, Tasikmalaya, Pekalongan, Banyumas, Jogjakarta, Surakarta, Lasem, Tuban, Sidoarjo, Tulungagung, Borneo, Bali, Lombok, until Madurese (Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan Sumenep) and of course there are many others. Each has its characteristics, the coastal areas have other peculiarities of the non-coastal. Coastal areas, because it is relatively more frequently first interact with the outside world, this will also influence the style of batik. Coastal batik style more boldly, with motifs that freely without having the dominant color of grip combined with a glowing, while regional batik 'middle' still hold firm grip which is derived from a common ancestor. Coastal batik motifs can we find in the area of Cirebon, Pekalongan, Tuban, Lasem and Madura, while the batik patterns that are still loyal to the grip can be exemplified from the Batik Yogyakarta and Surakarta, although in recent years also been berakulturasi Batik Surakarta and try accommodative with market demand.

Especially for Madura batik, we can find a variety of motifs and even for each city also have their own particularities. Tanjungbumi batik, batik different Bangkalan Pamekasan and Sumenep. Batik Tanjungbumi more assertive in showing her identity as a typical coastal batik, batik while Sumenep Pamekasan and richer in style and use of muted colors are also increasingly plural.

The Book of Batik Boutique specializes in providing BATIK Writing as a tribute to the noble art of Indonesia. Currently we provide Batik Tulis Batik Tulis of the region is Pamekasan, Sumenep, TanjungBumi-Bangkalan, Jetis-Sidoarjo, Tuban and Lasem-Central Java. All Batik Tulis coloring process using natural materials (bark and roots of trees) as a dye that is very comfortable and safe to use as everyday clothes.
Currently, you can get everything here with affordable price! Our batik is batik provide high quality and are on their own level, all the s type design of beautiful, exclusive and very suitable for you who need to be different and fashionable.

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