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Senin, 14 Juni 2010

About Canting: Various kinds of Canting
a. According to its function

- Canting Reng-pan
Reng canting batik pan used to pan Reng. Reng-pan (ngengrengan) batikan is the first time in accordance with the pattern before further worked. People batik-pan reng called ngengreng. Batikan pattern or map is used as a model example. Reng-pan can be defined framework. Usually canting pan reng a special use to create a framework pattern, while the isen or fill in the fields dibatik using canting isen in accordance with the desired content area. Batikan results batik patterns modeled with the framework or the contents referred to Poland. Canting pan reng bercucuk medium and single.

-. Canting Isen
Isen is canting batik canting to fill in the fields, or to fill
and-so. Isen small canting bercucuk either single or double.

b. According to the little big beak

Canting can be distinguished:
- Canting CARAT (beak) small.
- Canting CARAT (bill) is.
- Canting CARAT (beak) large.

c. According to the number of CARAT (beak)

Canting can be distinguished:
- Canting cecekan.
Canting cecekan bercucuk one (singular), small, used to make small dots (Java: cecek). People make the points with canting cecekan called "nyeceki". In addition to making small dots as a filler field, the canting cecekan also used to make tiny lines.

- Canting loron.
Loron derived from two words meaning loro. This canting bercucuk two, lined up and down, used to make a double line.

- Canting telon
Telon from telu word meaning three. This canting bercucuk three with formation of a triangular shape. When used for batik canting telon, you will see their former triangle formed by three points, as filler.

- Canting Prapatan
Prapatan of the word to four, meaning four. So this canting bercucuk four, used to make four points that form a square as a filler field.

- Canting liman
Liman than five words. This canting bercucuk five to make a small square formed by four cicik and a middle point.

-. Canting byok
Byok canting canting the bercucuk is seven or more are used to form a small circle consisting of the points,; a point or so, according to the number of beak, or the size of the circle. Canting byok usually bercucuk odd.

- Canting jointly or galaran
Galaran derived from the word galar, an instrument made of bamboo bed of chopped lengthwise. String is a series of things that line; way of stringing system with toothpicks. Canting galaran or jointly bercucuk always fulfilled four or more front line: usually at most six pieces, composed from bottom to top.

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